About ME

Well, hello there!

Thanks for stopping by.  This is my space to share with you some of my favourite things, discoveries, and generally contemplate life once in an while.

I live in Toronto, Canada but have seen over 20 countries so I love exploring and sharing the wonderful things that cross my path. My travels have given me an incredible appreciation for all things lovely:  design, food, health, nature….and most of all people!!

I definitely have  a ‘Carpe Diem’ attitude about life in general. I cherish moments and revel in the simply glorious things that give me moments of joy. I love the people in my life and also those that I meet along my journey.

I am also a foodie and brand maven with a nod to all things healthy ( as I am a bit of an eco enthusiast!), so you will see  a lot of spin on things I think are pretty fabulous!

You’ll find that I’m rather chill, and reflective on a number of things in my world and life in general …so I hope you join me too.  It’s all about capturing the moment.. right?

So grab a cup of coffee (or glass of wine) and join me.

Drop me a note and let me know what you think!


Enjoy your day,


xo  Sandra

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